Friday 22 July 2011

Colourful and vibrant

"I like light, colour, luminosity. I like things full of colour and vibrant." Oscar de la Renta, born 22 July 1922.

“Do you know why I almost always wear a tie? I have this complex that if I walk into a place wearing a colourful shirt someone will stop me and say, ‘I’m sorry, but the Latin band comes through the other door.’”

From a fabulous interview with Señor de la Renta in Vanity Fair:
Mr. de la Renta has survived all these years in the punishing world of high fashion because he has uncannily never gone out of fashion. The distinguished couturier who has dressed Mrs Reagan, Mrs Bush and Mrs Clinton is also worn on the sacred red carpet by Halle Berry, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Anne Hathaway.

Which woman does he have in mind when he designs? “Let me tell you, it was never the ladies who lunch. They never lunched! They always wanted to stay thin. You want to know who my customer is?”

“I do.”

“All the women who can afford to buy my clothes! My customers are successful working women. They might be spending less at the moment, but my approach is that fashion must always be optimistic, and that a woman will always be enticed by beautiful clothes.”

“You’re a happy man?”

“I’m extraordinarily happy,”
Oscar de la Renta concluded, looking grateful and glad.

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